Save Time Streamlining Advertising Accounts with Human-Like Optimization Recommendations

Real-Time Opportunities

Our system analyzes data daily, presenting change proposals to enhance performance and save on budget expenditures
For example, if a significant amount is spent on newly generated Search terms, an automatic recommendation is immediately made to assess whether it's advisable to continue allocating budget to those Search terms.

Optimize Keywords, Ads, and Placements

Our suggestions cover a wide range of areas, including the addition or removal of keywords, audience targeting, and placement adjustments.
Shirofune's goal for improvement suggestions is to propose all the account enhancements that humans should perform. We refine our algorithms daily to adapt to changes in platforms.

We Suggest, You Decide

While we provide recommendations, the final decision rests with you. You have the autonomy to choose whether or not to implement the suggested changes.
While certain actions might be beneficial for short-term performance improvements, taking a slightly longer-term approach from a marketing perspective often involves observing and analyzing the given situation. Shirofune suggests improvement opportunities comprehensively and mechanically. However, we believe that the most effective results come from the combination of human wisdom, incorporating marketers' intentions and timing, and the precision of machine suggestions. This integration allows for informed decision-making, ultimately leading to the highest level of success.

We're on Your Side

Unlike typical media recommendations, which often aim to increase budgets, our recommendations are always aligned with your goals. We focus on practical suggestions, such as pausing keywords with no conversions, with your best interests in mind.

Take Advantage of Your Lifetime ROAS

Shirofune will constantly monitor your data to understand the long term performance of each of your advertising channels. Our proprietary data attribution system allows advertisers to invest in what generates the most revenue over time rather than on short term ROAS.

Campaign A


Campaign B








Lifetime ROAS


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