Get access to cross-channel, in-depth reporting in just a few clicks. Free up time to focus on critical business operations.

Real Time Dashboard
In addition to classic reports, we provide a cross-channel dashboard that provides real time reporting. Results are displayed both at the business and at the single channel level.
Get Notified With Seamlessly Download Customized Dashboardsin Trends
Our report system can be customized to include any data you might need. Download it anytime and get access to multiple data point, graphics, and qualitative analysis generated by the Shirofune Human AI.
Integrate Multiple Advertising Channels
Link all of our accounts on Shirofune and implement a true cross-channel optimization strategy. Get access to performance in one single platform and streamline the time you invest in each account!

Human Artificial Intelligence

Shirofune combines the efficiency of a state-of-the-art AI with a human-like approach to account optimization. We are the perfect extension to your in-house team so that your marketing team can focus on strategy rather than repetitive tasks.
Reduce Your Cost per Acquisition + Increase ROAS
Our smart budgeting is designed with one goal in mind: ROAS. You will see progress month over month, whether your goal is to increase your revenue or simply reducing your cost per acquisition.
Always Find New Opportunities
Real time reporting is a great opportunity to always get a bird eyed view of your accounts and identify areas of improvement in just a few minutes!

Take Advantage of Your Lifetime ROAS

Shirofune will constantly monitor your data to understand the long term performance of each of your advertising channels. Our proprietary data attribution system allows advertisers to invest on what generates the most revenue over time rather than on short term ROAS.
Optimize Your Accounts In 5 Minutes
Shirofune delivers optimization opportunities in an easy to navigate format. This enables account strategists to implement optimizations and increase the ROAS in just 5 minutes per day!


OPT Co., Ltd,
Department Shinji Komori

"Why did a person in charge of one of Japan’s leading Internet advertising companies Introduc Shirofune, aiming to maximize marketing effectiveness through the use of technology?"

Dentsu Direct Inc.
Yuko Miyamoto/ Kumiko Sakaki

There are also abnormal values that veterans notice, and things that newcomers do not notice. Aiming for uniform operation quality that does not depend on operator. Efforts for quality control using the account score diagnosis function.

Kuhiro Co., Ltd.
Mr. Tomohiro Fujita. General Manager of Tokyo Brand

Advertising agency founded 55 years ago, becoming a “teacher and leader of web” recognized by clients after internalizing web advertising operations
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